Teaching. Set up some sort of online, or even better, night course at a local college. Charge for it. By teaching, you set yourself up as an authority on the subject. The more you teach, the more people see you as the person who knows those most on the subject. What you'll get out of it is...
Coming from the fashion industry and being connected with so many photographers I know that can be tough! There's no reason you can't make this work. I'd love to hear more about your market and would refer you to Lauren Devon (photography consultant) on monetizing your photography niche. One of m...
Hello, if you can only afford 1 lens the best pro level, "multi-talented" lens for Canon is the 24-105 L series zoom. It is the best value lens in the Canon pro L series, yet still about $900 depending on what country you are in. If you feel that the price is prohibitive, OR that you can afford a...
Airbnb actually developed an internal competency to manage their photography process. Turned out it was/is core to their site and found they needed to own the process. So they have a team at Airbnb that manages relationships with thousands of photographers (who are independent contractors). Wh...
This falls outside my field; but in the absence of responses from others, I'll throw in my 2 cents. Yes, photographs will communicate emotion more viscerally and more immediately to a wider audience than would mere graphic design. It would take a rare painter to equal an average photographer fo...
If I'm reading this correctly, you're essentially asking if there is a market for marketing services. To which the answer is a resounding 'yes'. Effective marketing and sales is essentially giving people money. If you are wondering whether photography and facebook content is effective, there ar...
I would be happy to discuss this with you. Are you looking for a prototype or a full blown product? I specialize in development, and product planning. Please feel free to get in touch.
Let us treat your blog as a product. A product is usually faceless. People are skeptical about what you say about yourself or your product. Other kind of good testimonials is expert testimonials, but the expert needs to be somebody people know. The best kind of testimonials are video testimonial...