1) Finding someone I can trust to fix things that go wrong (PS: If you are doing anything in the energy/HVAC/integration space I have a lot of experience in that part of the home market)
Response rate depends completely on the effectiveness of your material, quality of your product and site, brand recognition, commissions, etc. Regardless, with affiliates, the more the better. You are paying commission. There is no real negative to having more effective affiliates.
I am a firm believer in hiring professionals to do a professional job. We have worked with dozens of freelance videographers and helped brands achieve some sharp marketing videos. So some tips: 1) Hire a freelance videographer and writing team. Developing a story board is not easy and there are ...
Having direct experience in this area I would suggest using a combination of D&B data, trade association lists, email opt-in tactics and straight up cold calling. The key is to reaching the right people within the solar firm based upon your target message.
Hi! The quick answer is that simple invention ideas are great as they are the fastest and least expensive to develop, yet can still be highly profitable. I run a consumer product firm which has developed hundreds of inventions for home-based inventors or small product firms - Essentially we tak...
Have you had any meetings with buyers for retail distribution? Projection is difficult because the success of the product honestly depends on your external ability to market and more importantly, how accessible the retailer allows your product to be at the store level.
This is a common challenge for e-commerce brands. Amazon sales can quickly grow and account for an excessive percentage of total revenue leading to concentration risk. So diversifying your revenue sources is important but not always easy to accomplish. If you're operating your own e-commerce web...
Someone else creates the design and physical products, correct? In that case, your main challenges are (A) identifying customers (B) convincing them to give you a chance (C) keeping them happy with good customer service When it comes to (A), you should probably be knocking on a lot of doors. ...
In order to build a bigger fanbase start by creating some anticipation post on social media as well as your blog. You can even release parts of the e-book an an opt-in to email them when it's complete. In the anticipation stage however, I would not recommend going with pay per click or Facebook ...
Hi First of all, the fact that you are talking about market validation is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find that no ones wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it, or they aren't willing to pay the requested price. So you're alrea...