
Results for: Promotions

You need to consider good, old fashion SEO. Do some basic keyword research to understand how people might be searching for your app - or what it offers - and adjust or develop web content targeted for that search. If you're able to get rankings for these searches, you'll begin to see the increa...


I don't think this is a name that will receive many unsolicited bids, so you'd be best of identifying some potential buyer and setting a Buy Now price along with requesting offers.


While you might be able to expect initial sales from family and friends who know about it, actual sales from people stumbling upon your book depends on a few factors when you upload it. 1.) Have you chosen the correct keyword phrases and categories? 2.) Are these categories extremely competitiv...


I have some experience in the past promoting my own services, apps,etc on Twitter. I've been able to build up a pretty good following of around 84.8K followers at the moment. I'm not bragging though because I know a lot of those followers are not targeted because of some mistakes I've done before...


Someone else creates the design and physical products, correct? In that case, your main challenges are (A) identifying customers (B) convincing them to give you a chance (C) keeping them happy with good customer service When it comes to (A), you should probably be knocking on a lot of doors. ...


You need to have a marketing plan.. Define your market segment and see how to reach them. SEO / SMM / your blog interaction , ads in newspapers or on the streets, or newsletters ... etc. All depends on the target segment.. If you want to share more details about your project, I can help wit...


One of the biggest things I do is "time chunk". Time chunking – and fine tuning the practice – allows me to work with optimum productivity. It’s worth trying in some form or another because it removes a decision from the process of doing: what to do and when to do it. Another set of practices I ...


After reviewing your site I found there was a potential for confusion with which is a completely different site. How does the name reflect what you are providing? Would be good to explain this somewhere. I also found the About Us page was way too vague and the FAQ's, while better, sti...


The short answer to this is to do something for your potential client first. This way you will position yourself as someone who is not just a taker. You need to build a relationship with your partners, sending gifts always works followed by a call There are some very specific strategies you ca...


2 quick and simple ideas come to mind. 1. Open up iTunes, open the podcast section, open up your relevant categories and subcategories. e.g. business/business and marketing. Contact the podcasts that are in the "New and Noteworthy" sections or in the lower half of the top 200 podcasts sections....


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