In this business environment, a “corporate buyer” will be looking at your net income and value you based on a multiple of such. For example if the company generated $500,000 but only earned $75,000, you may be looking at a value of $200-$300,000 from a corporate buyer. It also depends on whether ...
Thank you for sharing this question! The sales usually happen when the ads first run because Facebook knows who the most likely buyers are and once the ads have shown once, you are likely reaching the same people over and over. The ad campaigns I have found that make the best sales are in the fo...
In my experience with the platform in your demographic (we sold apparel to men and women ages 18-25), we see a great deal of traffic converting through the use of great imagery. We saw an average conversion rate that was 10-15% greater than our Google campaigns or our media buys on various websit...
You shall follow the steps given below to be an expert in ads on Facebook: 1. You shall have a good understanding of your business niche. 2. Start making ad campaigns that are unique and different from other companies' campaign so that you stand out from others. 3. Try to make creative ads that...
[I'm Founder of isocket, the worlds largest marketplace for "premium" ad inventory] This question assumes (perhaps wrongly) that 1) a SSP and an exchange platform are all that different and 2) publishers don't understand what SSPs do and are staying away from them due to ignorance. It may be th...
I guess the best answer is, it depends. What kind of mobile game are you marketing? Who are you targeting? For what platform? (iOS, Android?) Different ad networks work better than others depending on the type of game. A good place to start would be MoPub, MDotM, Manage, and Insight.
It's difficult to give specific advice without knowing the actual traffic level(1) and type of ads and placements(2) you have on your website but I'll make the assumption that those visitors don't record visits of extraordinary length resulting in at least several hundreds of thousands of pagevie...
You might consider using oDesk ( It is a global marketplace of freelancers with expertise in areas like this.
I have more than 7 years of experience in digital marketing, managed over $50,000 in ad spend on various social media networks and currently managing over 30 Social media assets for various clients. You can add as many Funding sources to your Facebook Ad account as you want but all campaigns in...
AdsML could be relevant. Their website looks like there's nobody home but the xml tech behind it would still be valid, however and is described on the site. As CEO of an online advertising software company, we contributed expertise, defining concepts and working out methods ...