You can find your answer on the Small Business Association website for your state. If you still have questions, visit your local City Hall official and they can assist you.
If you are targeting runners, I'm sure that you have targeted actual races, where you can be a vendor and sell coffee to the spectators as well. To find running groups, try Facebook Groups, there are a ton of running groups in different towns. Also look up fitness/shoe stores as sometimes they pu...
Studio Press has a plethora of great templates, including magazine style.
Please clarify ;) the situation : - do you have a contract with developers ? - do you own the app ? or does it belong to the developers until you pay them ? - why are the developers asking payment ? - do you have a running app ? which needs does it covers ? - did you set a company ? - who are you...
Really good question. You can do it via one of three ways: 1) Provisional Patent. if an implementation of their system to his new market would be patentable (i.e. using machine X to make donuts instead of jewelry), then you could file a provisional patent on the idea. Provisional patents are ver...
What about a "Financial Minimalism" blog? Even places like the "simple" dollar is pretty busy and cluttered. You could boil each concept down to it's core fundamentals and then provide the absolute easiest solutions you can come up with. For instance, instance of have 8 blogs about each facet o...
We've used MeetingBurner with success for our webinars. The price point for a large audience is not too high. It also has recording and automated webinar capabilities.
It's not entirely clear what your situation is, but there are a few possibilities. If you have only a prototype, but the ability (including capital) to manufacture it and you are seeking to be on their shelves, then you'd be dealing with the appropriate category buyer. But your odds are quite l...
Bear in mind that the approach Amazon took was during a time in which e-commerce was still just taking hold and was far from commonplace. Of course, starting with your own products and building an audience of shoppers gives you some leverage in attracting sellers when you change to a marketpla...
I've been where you are - it kind of sucks :) I think you need to do a bit of a reset on your personal mindset - Effective agile management is never a "nice to have" - its what keeps things flowing, working, and on time. To that end - do you know who your ideal client really is? Let's break ...