
Results for: Social Networking

To much to write here, but I'll try to name few: - NAME - easy to remember, good domain, suggestive accordingly with your intentions. - UI/UX - to be attractive and same time simple but functional, adaptive and responsive to user's needs. - CLARITY - in this way the users to understood in few cli...


This is what professional networking is about. Even if neither of your receive instant gratification on the objectives you're trying to push right now, the relationship could end up being profitable to both of you down the road.


I have to ask: Did you already develop your product? The best advice, which I love, is from Seth Godin. He said something along the lines of "Don't find customers for your product, find products for your customers." Always start with a customer you want to be in service to, and look to solve the...


Yes. Try looking at Salesforce and its suite of cloud solutions like Chatter, Marketing Cloud, Services Cloud, and Sales Cloud. Let me know if there's something around the same I can help you out with.


No two businesses are identical and it is not recommended that you use a generator or copy and paste another companies terms of service and privacy policy. Although your business models may be similar, each business has their own unique identifiers which warrant a proprietary PP and TOS. If you u...


Your on a good track. One Thing I would highly suggest is setting up some organized goals not your business plan but something for you and who ever you are working with. I would be happy to talk to you and help you get things started so you get out to the colleges on an organized and efficient path.


Google company formation agencies in respective areas Contact them and get the requirements for registering your company and start the process If you dont have money and starting small you really need to register a off the shelf company just to be legal in the country. You can have your partners...


I'm in no position to advise on the cost of a Tinder-like app - having never used it myself. I can however share some thoughts on Freemium. Freemium is too often engaged because it is easy - not because it is right for the business. You'll still need to determine how'll you make money, even wi...


I would really need to see the ads that you're selling to be able to suggest what method to scale them with... but you hit the nail on the head...You have two options really...building internal sales processes or going through an agency. Usually companies go through an agency first, to get profes...


Remember newspapers? There were lots of them, weeklies, dailies, community, local shoppers, etc. Some are still around. Do you think these little individual media outlets had a strategy or sales force going after large Fortune 500 advertisers? Nope. They used a system of brokers and represen...


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