Have great conversations with qualified prospects. That's the simple answer. Do this enough times and you WILL get a client. Now the hard part: How do you get great conversations with qualified prospects? 1. Find a group of people who have a serious problem *they acknowledge they have* (that...
DO NOT hire a BD person. First, a startup with <$10m/yr revenue almost surely has nothing to offer another company that is interesting to them for BD. Not enough attention, not enough users, not enough revenue-sharing, etc.. BD only works when BOTH sides move the needle on something important ...
Likely what you're really asking is how to do effective lead generation. Where "effective" means locating new clients at near zero cost who can pay you $1000s every month, week, day or hour. Simple solution. Get in front of groups of people with money. Simple way to do this. Join https://Meet...
Thanks for your question. If things go well the boss will find out anyway, so you may as well assume you will do well and have a conversation with him now. Now we don't know enough about your idea to really advise well enough, but in general I'd try and position it as a 'weekend hobby', and as so...
Yes, it is possible. These are called Information Interviews. The key to keep in mind here is that some people are going to be happy to talk with you, and a few are not. Don't take the few personally: they don't want to talk to anybody. If you want a fast turnaround, call; if you can wait, send...
I would talk to the team at http://efabless.com Really helpful guys and they can get you an IC prototype for $100 - $10,000 They've built a lot of the smartphone IC's you see in mobile products today. If you're dealing with FCC part 15, give me a shout and I can help you navigate a bit.
There are a number of different ways of reaching angel investors. First, identify the type of angel investor you are looking for. Then initially look within your own network, share what you are doing and you might be surprised. Next research where your investors hang out and try and be part ...
I agree with Shannon, I think the first thing you need to understand if what is the goal for the SWAG you are selling. If the goal is a secondary revenue stream, and you believe it can be consequential towards your bottom line, then you can do the following: 1. Do some quick research on other s...
I'd take a look at the large, established companies in the technology space in which you want to operate. Somewhere at one of those companies is an astute, experienced person who might be ready to get out of the big company environment if you come along with the right idea. E.g. Cisco if you ar...
How about 'getting the word out' by talking about your startup and app on podcasts. You can start with my daily show called The App Guy Podcast. Subscribe On iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-app-guy/id771670010?mt=2 then contact me through my website http://TheAppGuy.co