This is the kind of question I usually get by most of my clients and love the opportunity to help with a few ideas. Since you are planning to offer the spaces mainly for art events, meetings and popup shops, you are mainly targeting locals rather than tourists in the first place. So I would focus...
Before you spend $ or time marketing your service / website, ensure that your brand itself is quite strong. For example, if your name or domain is awkward, ambiguous, or off-putting, then every dollar and hour you spend promoting your brand will work less efficiently in your favor than if you we...
How important is scaling? For example, if you're charging $400/hour for consulting and filling 20 hours a week, would you need to scale? Products are great, but there's a lot of unbillable hassle involved in the path toward getting there. Your product needs to have a big enough audience to giv...
Assuming links work here, a couple good articles:
Try with they have a great list already compiled
The best way is to create an app or a website that connects to paypal which automatically allows customer to call or create ticket as well as charge the customer based on timings. For example if the customer open your website or app during day it would be X dollars and if they visit it at 2.00AM ...
Billboard ads have some of the worst response rates out there and some of the highest costs. The companies that look at things like billboards are the ones who probably won't pay the bills for your marketing services because they'll be bankrupt in 2 weeks since they make poor decisions. Want to ...
YES! You certainly can sell a services business; and, if it is positioned and prepared properly, for pretty great returns too. There are a number of different exit strategies available to you, not ALL of them acquisition. For instance; we have helped service business owners transition (exit) fr...
It's becoming more and more difficult for patent trolls to litigate with the current discussions in Congress. It really depends of your market. If it's involving software patents, it's even harder. At Nesting Partners my firm actually bring patents to life then to product then to market to exit!...
Without knowing a lot about your company, the fact that innovation is one of your core strengths, leads me to believe that you have a transformational mindset. There are "Transactional" CEOs and "Transformational" CEOs, and few companies in existence these days will go far (or even exist much lo...