I've led Marketing as VP/Marketing or CMO for multiple firms and have been tasked with gaining paid subscriber. Some of the best advice I've found comes from a great book called "Traction" by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares. The entire book is dedicated to answering your question in detail - an...
I would use social. Since you know your potential users are spending a lot of time on their mobile devices and you need to get them to pay attention to their computer, I would market to them through social. Target the social channels that your target market would be frequenting. Don't be afraid t...
There are a number of best practices -- and, generally, they are universal regardless of your product or service. The one that I would stress above all others is: Understand Your Customer. That is, resist the temptation to "jump in and build something", take some time to interview prospective c...
Good question. However, I think the better question should be; what system and thought process do I need to have for my Company Because. Marketing is just one small factor of your enterprise. Each and every single part of your business needs to be working on all cylinders. Below is a System ...
Hi, you are going through a lot of problems with the name. I can give you the most important things to know about the copyright. Please read the copyright act of your country. There have so much information about copyright and how can you avoid copyright act easyly. If you already know that the ...
Typically these types of partnerships have detailed contracts that lay our which party is responsible for paying out any kind of competition winnings. There could be all kinds of goods/services trading places between the companies so it isn't as clear as "Company B always pays". You would need to...
The key to understanding if you are going in the right direction from a product standpoint is to get it in front of users - so if you haven't let some of your potential end users spend time with the product, or at least put the concept in front of them to solicit feedback - that would be priority...
You should have a proof metric - market traction, market proof, proof that they are not wasting their time on your site with half-baked ideas. You should also have some way to show that there has investigation and transparency into the crowdfunders. Try a group with vetting services like http://c...
The perfect strategy is to show your client what their benefit and return on investment would be on this specific advertisement. This is what they are looking for from your pitch. It is great if you show them a positive benefit that they will receive from the advertisement. An example would be a ...
Are you targeting new businesses? Try acquiring a list of all new business license applicants. Do you have a budget for radio? Try news talk radio stations in your markets. Also try targeted news feed ads with Facebook and LinkedIn if that isn't already part of our PPC plan.