There's only one answer to this question and it might sound pretentious: experience. As you go along, you might find some of your experiences remind you of certain stuff other entrepreneurs have said but you will very often find yourself going your own way even if they advise against it. You may...
AdsML could be relevant. Their website looks like there's nobody home but the xml tech behind it would still be valid, however and is described on the site. As CEO of an online advertising software company, we contributed expertise, defining concepts and working out methods ...
This is really way too vague to provide a helpful answer. I'd suggest you resubmit the question and describe (in general terms) what you're trying to sell and to whom.
Hi there, I'd recommend having a strong social media presence. You could use to check availability of social media channels and they will show you the top ones you need to be on. Today you should at least have an Instagram in addition to a Facebook Page and a dedicated Twitter account....
The best way to build an MVP is to distill the solution to the smaller unit of value to deliver something to a customer. Start small, time box it and focus on solving the problem at it's core even if it's ghetto (I call the best MVP's ghetto but useful). Here's an image that represents my think...
Hi there, I know this can be a frustrating problem.. I've been on Clarity since 2012 when its creator, Dan Martell, invited me and several others to the launch event and asked us to sign up as experts. For the first few years, I had hardly any calls. Also, it seemed like only those in the IT sta...
It depends on exactly what your situation is. Anyone who offers you a one-size-fits-all "solution" is just blowing smoke and will make you lose a lot of money. Even two companies in the same industry will have a different "best way" to improve their marketing. Remember, marketing is an INVES...
An open beta or an initial limited access for 100 users, or something like that? If it's a good game, it'll grow organically from there. Encourage people to share their experiences via Facebook and Twitter.
You can hire app development freelancers from and I am an app developer myself, and I got profiles on both of these networks, a link is given below: Please feel free to get in touch to discuss ideas and clarify any con...
We've used MeetingBurner with success for our webinars. The price point for a large audience is not too high. It also has recording and automated webinar capabilities.