
Results for: Training

I am not sure if your courses are video-based, but I have had success with Udemy and Teachable. I teach WordPress and have 7 courses on Udemy right now. They pay instructors based on a percentage and also if the students are part of Udemy already or if you drive traffic to the course from your ow...


I have been involved in C-Level positions in the global trade shows and conferences industry for over 20 years. Planners like myself are very involved with convention centers of all levels and sizes and locations, hotels and smaller venues, in order to place and launch events there. There are lit...


Tip: You'll only do this if you're a Thrillseeker looking to loose massive revenue. You'll never, ever, ever turn over design of any business critical system to anyone in the class of "junior anything" who requires "SQL courses". You'll have an experienced designer handle your SQL design.


To validate your idea you need to show interest from potential students. To do that you need to show them something to be interested in. However, a teacher isn't going to go out of their way to create content for a site with no students waiting. To get around this issue, I would start off by ge...


There's a couple things to take into consideration. Do you want to host the software yourself? If not, look into ticketing solutions like EventBrite or similar. If you're willing to host it, there's a ton of really good solutions available as plugins for WordPress. I work for Modern Tribe, and ...


I've used a ton of different plugins and services to create and sell online courses, and here's the best combination I've found: WordPress + Gumroad + ProductPress 1. WordPress: You'll use WordPress to host your course content. I typically put each lesson in a new Page. 2. Gumroad: Use Gumroad ...


What are you looking to do? I am a fan of MeetFox for scheduling and billing for 1:1 coaching sessions. For training software, there are a million options depending on what you need. I am playing with Wishlist Member right now. Teachable is a decent optio...


You can do this through having a webinar for corporate executives. Run traffic to the webinar through Facebook and LinkedIn then at the end of the webinar have a soft sales pitch. Follow up with all participants through email and messenger.


I have a membership site with video training that companies use to train their salesforces. Having set up many paid and commission-based sales teams over the years, here are the main issues: > the less effort you put in at the beginning, the more turnover you're going to experience > if you do...


Depends on your goal. Many times leveraging is a far better solution. Also using Direct Mail, rather than Digital Marketing, for Virtual events can be highly effective because hardly anyone is willing to do the minimal work required to do Direct Mail. If you do this minimal ...


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