Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, I've never played one on TV, and it has been ages since I've stayed at a Holiday Inn. However, it sounds like you've stated clearly that your need is a lawyer who SPECIALIZES in contract law, with EXPERIENCE doing so for Digital Agencies. A great way to find someo...
One simple way is put them all in a tool like this and ping them http://www.bulkping.com/
In order to even attempt to answer your question and a person would need a deep understanding of your business, the services/products offered, your business model, and maybe most importantly your market. And in my opinion discovering a powerful and effective USP can be one of the most valuable a...
The common approach is to use the RXTXcomm.jar but the main issue is this jar is not well maintained in maven repos. Looks like a good option is to use is http://fazecast.github.io/jSerialComm/
This is a common problem. Here are some solutions (some more obvious and some less): 1. Make sure you hire skilled workers. This can be done by using service providers who you reached through recommendations (preferably from people that you know) and if you don't have any other choice: then base...
It won't work on the iPad. Children are so into tablets and touch. They want to touch all screens!
I would think that they market the you are attempting to target would dictate what the best platform to start would be. Without knowing your market or idea, this is impossible to say. Both mobile and desktop apps have their benefits and traffic/search opportunities, but only if targeted correct...
At this stage there are lots of decent web tutorials but I find Ryan Bates Railscasts some of the best for learning the technology. However if you want to just become better at Ruby and Javascript there is no substitute for good books. I've just been reading Avdi Grimm's Confident Ruby and I thi...
If you're not technical yourself, then you might not be able to gauge the efficiency of a candidate's algorithms or critique her code. But there are still some higher-level, more behavioral things that a non-technical interviewer should be looking for in a strong development candidate: 1. What...
There are many discussions these days about how small business owners struggle to get connected and stay connected with their communities of interest. Whether the priorities are personal or professional, the concerns are the same; where do I go to find and share amongst my peers, relevant and con...