
Results for: Web Marketing

Dirt simple approach, I've used with several of my Travel Agent clients. 1) Determine your most lucrative destination (highest commissions for you). Say... Germany... 2) Determine starting point of most people visiting your destination. Say... Auckland New Zealand... 3) Run a Facebook Ad cam...


Yay, a question with some details! So the first thing I'd like you to think about is that despite "little business success" this business has somehow limped along for 4 years. How did that happen? Just enough cash coming in to get by? Loans? You need to find out how deep of a hole you're in, if ...


I have in the past developed cost-savings calculators and they can be one of the most effective tools in moving an enterprise software prospect through the sales funnel to a closed deal. So I understand why you are so keen to get a handle on these numbers. Unfortunately, you are in a bit of a ch...


Using their logo implies that they are truly partners / customers of yours. Is this the case? It not, it is grossly misleading. Otherwise, I would check with them, out of courtesy. They may not want their competitors knowing what software services they use. I don't believe you are legally obli...


I help companies with their digital strategies and have been a startup mentor. Follow the sequence, WHY- HOW -WHO. First discuss the problem and how it is becoming an issue. Also discuss some of the failed solutions which people have been using. Say that you will be sending a possible solution. ...


I've attended this class in-person and the video version of Michael Dearing's class on pricing is great. You can see it here: If you haven't already done so, I'd carefully study the effectiveness and uptake of "premium" services already offered by...


Go find investment forums/meetups like Zino Society, Keiretsu Forum, or whatever you have locally. Just attend and introduce yourself to people. Keep going back and have a simple business card to exchange information. Follow up via email. Just meet them first and talk about what your doing, but I...


Definitely traction (marketing, sales, customer acquisition, retention) and not infrastructure. You don't have a scalable business, you're "seeking" one. So seek it first, then worry about scaling. Put it this way: If there's two otherwise-identical businesses, and P has "good infrastructure" ...


I did a quick web search for you and came up with Jeremiah Owyang's blog. I have met him and he's a genius. Should answer all your questions. Re: tracking and measurement I'd say "PR mentions" is a...


Given that you are marketing your ability to build websites and mobile apps, your website lacks a lot of credibility as compared to other vendors offering similar services. A few specific examples: Links to what might be apps that your firm has previously built, link to almost illegible screens...


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