If you're not a coder, I don't know how you're going to publish code... but I'll look past that. The best thing to do is host the code on Github, then create a website for the project using Github Pages. At that point, gaining traction from the community so other people contribute to it has a lo...
Scaling using freelancers is better (at first) than scaling with employees. Either way, you need to avoid the trap of being a mid-sized consulting company. Here's an article of mine detailing the math behind this trap, and some challenges you'll face, and also a list of ways to combat this trap...
I ran a web design agency for 6 years, despite of studying PMBOK for advanced project management (for Engineering projects). I used "Web Redesign, Strategies for Success by Kelly Goto" Courser Link: http://www.lynda.com/Web-Design-tutorials/webredesignstrategiesforsuccess/316-6.html as a basis fo...
The common approach is to use the RXTXcomm.jar but the main issue is this jar is not well maintained in maven repos. Looks like a good option is to use is http://fazecast.github.io/jSerialComm/
This is a common problem. Here are some solutions (some more obvious and some less): 1. Make sure you hire skilled workers. This can be done by using service providers who you reached through recommendations (preferably from people that you know) and if you don't have any other choice: then base...
Book arbitrage can be a great way to make extra income with Amazon FBA but it's not for everybody. While I don't have specific experience with the program you posted, I looked at the web page to see what they are all about. First, the link opened 10 identical browser tabs which is pretty suspec...
For most sites both can have equal importance. SEO tends to be slower. PPC tends to be fast. Most of my clients balance both. So the "wisdom" of using PPC, is creating instant conversions.
It won't work on the iPad. Children are so into tablets and touch. They want to touch all screens!
I would think that they market the you are attempting to target would dictate what the best platform to start would be. Without knowing your market or idea, this is impossible to say. Both mobile and desktop apps have their benefits and traffic/search opportunities, but only if targeted correct...
Geez, if you are asking this because the person or people building this don't know the answer, you don't have a technical team capable of launching your "thing" ASAP. This is such a basic technical question that you need to stop what you're doing and find a competent technical co-founder before ...