
Unilevel MLM platforms besides helping you in managing your unilevel compensation structure can be a great tool in marketing and product promotion. Features like campaign management and social media integration allows you to promote your products across platforms. You can also launch, track and o...


Go to the source - i.e. monitor government sites that list new company incorporations and then call the companies with your pitch. In the US that would be the Secretary of State website for each state.


Homeschooling Guidance and Support, I’d love to help you with your homeschooling journey! As someone who was homeschooled myself, I can personally attest to the benefits of learning at your own pace—I even graduated high school early. If you’re considering homeschooling your children, I’d be hap...


Hi dear, as an entrepreneur and growth strategist, I would advise that you; 1. Network with Key Players Academia: Reach out to leading universities and research institutions specializing in artificial intelligence, physics, philosophy, and related fields. Government Agencies: Explore partnershi...


Dealing with low self-esteem can be challenging, but there are several strategies that can help improve your self-image and overall well-being. Here are some effective steps to consider: 1. Practice Self-Compassion Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during difficult time...


Well done! You now realize that it is not the idea alone that matters. Too many would-be entrepreneurs miss this understanding. Marketing is an art when done correctly. It must be rooted in the 4Ps as we say, but it MUST be uniquely inspired by the goods and/or services that need to be "Crossin...


Complete an accredited nursing program. Apply for a license with your state board. Register for the NCLEX exam you wish to take. Take and pass the NCLEX. Complete any additional state requirements and get licensed.


Setting a price for your time as a new entrepreneur involves a combination of self-assessment, market research, and strategic thinking. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you determine how much to charge per minute for your expertise: 1. Understand Your Value -Skills and Expertise: Assess the...


The paywall is not the issue. You can create your own website for free and then market your services ranging from Facebook to LinkedIn. The real issue is that you need to have a record on the Internet. That takes time so the earlier you start the quicker you will get sales.


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