
This is a complex topic. Far more complex than can be answered in here. Best to hire an expert to help you with this, because Google will penalize you if they visit the same URL multiple times where different content is returned. You can research this yourself by digging into the Google Search...


Hi Great question. The real answer (that not many people are willing to say), is this: you go outside, raise your thump towards the sky, imagine a nice number, and that's the valuation. It's called the thumb valuation. But seriously, there is no "official" accounting method to evaluate a startu...


Hi First of all, the fact that you are talking about market validation is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find that no one wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it (whilst the startup spent money developing a whole bunch of other f...


Hello, What a great question. One of my favorite coaching topics is overcoming insecurities. It is a favorite because the results are exponentially rewarding! Not knowing the particulars limit my responses; therefore, broad-strokes answer is as follows: Fundamentally, the underlying cause of...


MOQs MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) is not a new concept; it has a high success rate and various implementations the most common being regulatory agency restrictions, which have to do with import/exports, good sold etc. Additionally, no manufacturer can sell at cost (no markup) and remain in busi...


Ebooks selling is also one passive income and there plenty of places to sell them like Amazon.


The credits that you already received are under AWS Activate Founders. Quoting from the AWS website, "If you have previously received AWS Activate Founders benefits, you are ineligible to apply again. You can only receive AWS Activate Founders benefits once." However, check if you are eligible f...


Hello, Most businesses despite the product fall under two general categories: 1. Products 2. Services For USA based businesses – we consult on every aspect from Conceptualization-to-Completion, including federal, state, and local laws/regulations, etc. We even provide referrals for Branding ...


Hi there, Clarity only allows email edits via Support, which may be reached here: Hope this helps 😊


I recommend developing a short survey with an incentive for completion, optional contact info questions at the end + interest in participating in an online focus group in the future. Then requesting the opportunity to post on private group boards dedicated to either LearnDash users *OR* PK-12 tea...


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