
Hi Sounds amazing. Although I am an attorney, I do not work in India. That said, I have an amazing attorney in India who I am sure can assist (I do not know his fees). If you're interested in an introduction, feel free to reach out (free of course). Good luck


The online food delivery industry is at its growth stage, especially after lockdown. There is a surge in demand due to the COVID-19 outbreak as the customers were unable to visit their favorite restaurants and opted for ordering food online. As a precaution, even the restaurants have reduced the ...


Hi - i would first start with your goals. if this is to be a group for your team to interact and share, a system like Teams, Slack or Monday are good alternatives that have cloud interfaces and have a ton of functionality. For more open groups, Facebook groups are pretty robust. Could you tell me...


Lead generation is very important - more importantly, being aware of what works best to keep a steady stream of leads coming in to the top of your sales funnel. There are a number of ways to ensure you have leads, but before you get there, it's important that you understand your customer. By crea...


The platform that offers you the best features at a reasonable price with satisfying after-sales service can be considered as the best food delivery solution. At present, there are a number of companies that qualify for providing the best food delivery solution but as per your budget, you may o...


Hi there, this question is a loaded one... Not the typical investing type question found here on Clarity - but... Since I do invest heavily, I will try to give you my two cents on the subject. I'm not a licensed advisor and this is purely conversational and by means a professional recommendation...


Sometimes a country that is generally in your market region may be better set up to support startups. I know, for example, that Israel has a tremendous startup infrastructure and accelerators, as does Latin America and Asia. So I would begin by asking about your industry and your target region to...


I'm actually in the middle of doing this exact same thing, ie, converting my in-person brand workshop into online modules. I would be happy to have an informational call and I can share what I've done so far about converting the workshop into modules and lessons with worksheets. If interested, me...


If I go by your definition, I am getting the notion that by particular worldwide company you are referring to an MNC. You must understand few important things when it comes to MNC: A MNC is a company that does business in more than one country. Transnational company produces, markets, invests an...


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