Top 4 Business Plan Examplesby The Startups TeamWriting your first business plan? Be sure to review these four business plan examples from the Startups community that really stand out from the crowd.Continue
Finalizing Startup Projectionsby Wil SchroterIt’s not uncommon for a first-year startup to be constantly adjusting the numbers and watching the forecasts swing all over the place on a regular basis. Forecasting isn’t a one-time thing, especially for startups. We should be updating this forecast constantly as we get more and more data about how our business will perform.Continue
Our Startup Culture of Entitlementby Wil SchroterThere is danger in expecting too much from our Startup when we think we should get additional funding because the business is growing and it will merit us more opportunities. Reality check: things don't work this way.Continue
Startup CEOs Aren't Really CEOsby Wil SchroterThe CEO title bears a lot of responsibility. It’s easy to get the title, in fact, anyone can become one — but do you have the right qualifications and enough experience to be called a CEO?Continue
Startup Financial Assumptionsby Wil SchroterAll startup financial projections are based on a few key assumptions about how we feel the business will perform. In this article, we're going to explain what key assumptions drive our financial forecasts and how to adjust them to create a financial model that works.Continue
Startup Finance: 3 Assumptions That Matterby Wil SchroterAssumptions are the raw materials that make up our financial statements and tell us whether we're headed toward gross profit or total disaster! Here, we'll be taking a beginning inventory of the 3 most important financial assumptions that tend to drive most startup company projections.Continue
Startup Finance: Financial Assumptionsby Wil SchroterStartup financial projections are built around making a series of educated guesses about how things might go. In order to better understand the assumptions that make up our financial statements, let's first understand how little we actually know!Continue
Idea Validation Process: The Elevator Pitchby The Startups TeamIn this section of our Idea Validation Series, we explain how to refine the learnings from the previous sections into a polished Elevator Pitch and continue our startup idea validation.Continue
Live to Fight Another Dayby Wil SchroterIs it important for Founders to identify problems early on? Survival is the strategy in Startups, so finding solutions as soon as possible is the name of the game.Continue
Startup Stock Valuationby The Startups TeamThere are many valuation methods available to Founders, and most understand zero of them! In this section of our Equity Series, we discuss how to calculate your pre-revenue valuation, and much more!Continue