Sean DouglasTEDx Speaker, Business Positioning, Podcaster

4x Founder, TEDx Speaker, Master Resilience Implementer & Suicide Awareness Trainer, Business Positioning Strategist, International Radio Show Host of Life Transformation Radio, and Author.

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TONS of amazing content practical to starting and growing the business. EVERY business advice starts out with the same way missing one KEY piece that allows the business to thrive and grow to be a Category King, and that is you must FIRST design your Market Category. Learn what CATEGORY DESIGN is. It is the single most important step in starting the business. Almost every single business starts out with a product or service, and then creates a business name and logo, what they think is their "brand"

Category Design is the discipline of creating and developing a new market category, and conditioning the market so it will demand your solution and crown your company category king. Category Design is the discipline of creating and developing a new market category, and conditioning the market so it will demand your solution and crown your company category king.
Category Design is about creating a powerful and provocative story that causes customers or users to make a choice. Evokes something different from what came before not just better.
Category Design is marketing public relations and advertising when it is all focused on conditioning the market to desire and need whatever you're giving it. The goal is to condition the market to have an aha that changes people's consumption usage and buying decisions. This is much more than messaging and branding.

The company that defines the space is best positioned to dominate it

You find podcasts by google or joining facebook groups. You also sign up for requests at, and

We at The Success Corps also offer a podcast booking service where we get you on podcasts. If interested, email me here

Yes absolutely! You can also take those videos and compile into an online course. Offer a workbook and guides along with the videos and you have an online course.

First step is to create a problem only you can solve. This will create the hook and buying power. What makes you different? Why should they buy from you? What problem are you solving?

2nd, condition people to receive this problem as their own. Once they are convinced they have this problem, they will seek your solution. Condition the market through blogging, media, live video, speaking, content marketing, podcasts, etc.

3rd step is to market the problem, not the solution. Keep the problem in front of everyone, then deliver results. People buy results. So deliver value that gets results.

If you have any questions, email me Hope this helps.

To earn money from home, become a VA. Send emails for people, be a publicist, build a website, just work on people's businesses. Alleviate the stress they are under and you will be paid. I recommend finding what you're exceptional at, and the monetize that.

Hey there! This topic is what we at The Success Corps Academy specialize in. We get Speakers booked on Podcasts, Virtual Summits, and Live Events, including TEDx.

Step 1 is to create a problem only you can solve. You have to have a hook that people want. The bigger the problem you solve, the more money you can command. This is where you specialize, like we specialize in getting people booked to speak. Find out what problem you solve and drill deep into that, then market the problem, not the solution.

Step 2 is to condition the market to receive that problem. Sell the value of the results you deliver. People run away from problems and they want results.

Step 3 is to market your value. You do this through content marketing, guesting on podcasts, launching a podcast, launching a blog, launching a course, or launching a book. What can you give the audience they can't get anywhere else?

If you need more answers, I have an entire guide dedicated to this topic that consistently gets Speakers booked. If you want us to get you booked, we can do that too. Let's talk and see if it works for you.

Get the guide here:
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