I am the owner of a tech company that develop apps and website
I am medical student soon becoming a doctor
I wrote a movie that is coming out soon
I am a musician sold my first songo on bandcamp
I love doing open car racing
Monetize apps is done by many ad networks but if i'm to recommend you the it is probably Facebook snd admob
1)Is it viable,of course because I think I might use the services some day.
2)well about if you should make it also e-commerce I am in love with the idea because I heard that you make a blog about good interiors so if someone likes the interiors finding a way to buy them through the blog would prevent him/her researching the world for the furniture s/he liked
Making more profit to your business since the e-commerce pays too.
Hope I was helpful get in touch
Thank you
I actually don't your learning style but I myself found an app called sololearn that can teach anyone python as first as possible, it gives an ordered step by step if it works tell us, it worked for everyone I told it so far.
Ok, I wish you had specified if the photo's are full body or just face so to give an accurate answer
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