Swapnil KCYour brown asian undergrad bestie.

I'm a 21 year old girl from Kathmandu, Nepal. I took a psychology class during my undergrad last year and most importantly I understand your brown family struggles. I'm here to help you through them and talk to you about literally anything you want.

Recent Answers

Hi there, it's important for us to understand that parents are humans too. Parents are also living this life for the first time and still figuring it out whether they're 30 or 60.
Another thing is humans learn, grow, and take the right path with first hand experience rather than being lead. Eg. A person who has inherited money wouldn't know the value of money and the hardships of earning it compared to someone who has worked for it. So, your parent might also want you to make your own path, the one you find right for yourself.
Finally, parents have their own trauma. If you're someone who understands your own mental health, just know that your parents also have issues- in most cases those issues are unresolved. This can create an unhealthy relationship between you and your parent.

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