-Great at giving opinions to build a strong mindset
-Have been giving great advice to loved ones for many years
-Not professional
I'm not really active on this website but from what I've learned is that this website let's you ask questions and answer questions. If you want to help people find solutions to problems you have to sign up, create a profile, and wait for verification. If you need help with something, you sign up for an account (I think) and ask. That's basically what this website is about. Sometimes you can even earn money if they hire you to help answer questions but I'm pretty sure that it's rare since this platform isn't too known.
In my opinion, self confidence cannot be taught. It's something that people gradually learn by themselves.
I recommend you to just set an example of confidence for her in your day-to-day life to influence her. You can also just try to be positive and encourage her often, such as complimenting her and not acting all disappointed if she gets a bad grade.
Basically, just be positive to her and try to influence her by being more confident in your own life since you can't directly make someone confident.
To get followers quicker from my experience, go follow tons of strangers on Instagram. Many people accept your follow and then follow back.
To advertise or spread whatever message you have, make Instagram reels. Make sure it invokes an emotion such as anger or makes people laugh since that's what make viewers continue to watch your video without scrolling. Just creating regular posts rather than reels will not gain as much attention.
Here's a last resort solution (NOT TOO RECOMMENDED):
Sometimes being calm and rational doesnt work so I'd be somewhat hurtful as my last resort (not physically violent of course). Since it seems like he's not willing to talk properly, I'd go there to yell at him to say that you want to have a conversation like adults instead of acting like that. Your dad and your feelings are completely valid but you gotta do what you gotta do since you can't talk calmly to a yelling person from my experience. Normally when I tell sometime to talk calmy like an adult, it causes them to pause and think about their (usually) immature actions. I use this time to ask why they're doing what they're doing. I recommend you to ask why he's accusing you of being a "website hacker" and why he's behaving that way towards you.
So if you don't want to read all of that, here's a short summary:
-Don't argue against a yelling person by calmly speaking because chances are, they don't hear your side of the story.
-Be straightforward.
-Don't be afraid to yell a bit because your feelings matter too.
-Communicate clearly
-Ask why he's treating you like that.
Here's a note:
-Sometimes relationships aren't salvageable so if nothing works then DO NOT blame yourself.
-You deserve to be heard.
-Your feelings and your dad's feelings are valid.
Here's an answer from my point of view:
-Normally what we do now is a reflection of our parents' actions or lessons they taught us. Similar to us, the way the mother and father of the parents may have raised their children may result in how they lead their kids. For instance, if someone's parents did drugs or bad things, their children may adopt those habits. The future kids of those children will then adopt those habits since their parents didn't teach them what's right or wrong. Overall, it's a cycle of not setting good examples and/or not teaching children properly which leads to the future generation not being raised well either.
-Another example is really simple: mental health issues. These problems can arise at any age no matter what kind of a lifestyle you have. An example is if someone witnesses something horrific, like a person getting beat up in front of them. This may result in paranoia or anxiety which can lead up to a person spiraling into madness and cause someone to obsess over violence. If this person has a child, they could teach their child to be violent or they could be violent with their child. Of course, this is just an example. There are many more possibilities as the human mind has no limits.
-Since technology has evolved, this can be an influencing factor in personality and actions. Lots of people might've heard of the Facebook moms since they just listen to everything they find on that social media platform. That's a great example on how technology influences choices. When online, people could get influenced by lots of topics, parenting included. Often times, people tend to listen to people they don't know since its an outside opinion or something new that seems fun. Like on Instagram reels, parents paint their children's toys to meet their own aesthetic, a plain beige color. Of course it isn't healthy for a child since they're supposed to be extremely happy at that age and have cool colorful toys surrounding them. The more vibrant the color, the more fun! However, the unfortunate reality is that people tend to be selfish and are easily influenced by bad things and they don't even realize.
-Sometimes, the parents do lead their kids down the right path, but the process is too harsh for a child. Like commonly in Asian families, parents try too hard to push their kids to become doctors or lawyers. In my opinion, children should have fun in their childhoods so they don't increasingly crave stuff they never got to experience because their parents desperately want them to fulfill the dreams they never got to achieve. Obviously if pushed too much, the child will become discouraged and disobedient so gently guiding children is crucial in leading them to the right path. This is a very common situation especially when adults want their children to chase their old dreams (the parents' dreams) and not have any goals of their own (the children).
In summary, these are some factors as to why many parents cannot lead their children properly. Even if they did, there are also many outside factors as to why children nowadays don't go down the right path. Factors such as peer pressure and social media is now a big issue in the behaviour of people. So in conclusion, parents are NOT the only problem when children go in the wrong path. Do not blame them for something they cannot control.
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