This is the kind of question I usually get by most of my clients and love the opportunity to help with a few ideas. Since you are planning to offer the spaces mainly for art events, meetings and popup shops, you are mainly targeting locals rather than tourists in the first place. So I would focus...
You do not mention whether your site is B2B or B2C, but "corpwriting" suggests the former. In that case, you may wish to write a post on a LinkedIn profile where you are offering an image, a powerful headline, one or two paragraphs, and then a link to your site that the reader can follow to comp...
If you have a good amount of traffic, I would like to know first how is that traffic finding your link on social media? Are you actively pushing your content through to them or are random people coming to your profiles and or posts? Are you boosting ads? If you are boosting ads - your problem co...
What value do THEY get from subscribing to your newsletter? The answer should be: "lots of value, and I make it obvious to readers in language they care about." I've written two how-to books. In each, I point to a book-specific landing page with resources. For my first (on public speaking as a f...
One word: Royalties This means you generate the idea and develop it enough to look interesting to a larger company who would be willing to pay you a royalty for your idea. This happens all the time. Rock stars, authors and scientists routinely license their creative ideas to other companies who ...
I'm not an immigration attorney, but I have made trips to Canada to find clients, and this is my understanding of the laws. If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you do not need a visa to come to the United States as long as you will not actually be working and receiving payment f...
Bids for websites/startups on, if you want to get your startup funded the best sites are and its not technically a bid but the outcome is similar.
I would recommend
Spend zero time worrying about building your personal brand. Spend all your time focused on achieving your goals building your business. Simply put, the best way to build your brand is to achieve success. Let others evangelize you, whether it be investors impressed with your growth, customers ...
Forget books, if you want to understand CSR just go online and read about case studies of CSR nightmares and read content from those who hate corporations. This will tell you both the problems and results of bad CSR. The solutions will be obvious.