
Results for: Coupons

One of the largest frustration/gap I see in today's market is: My online journey and coupon aggregation are two different entities and there is nothing that ties them. I am also from India and I see this as a big gap. For example, if I am searching for pizzahut menu and if I have selected Veg Cor...


I would need some clarity around this question, the last part of it doesn't make to much sense. However, the name of the game is seamless flow. Why not figure out the top 5 common pos systems and contact the POS manufacturer. Companies like square offer these type of integration. I'd love to help...


First you have to know a bit about Affiliate marketing and realize that actually there are at least very different types of affiliates and they all serve different purposes in the sales cycle. Some help push value conscious consumers over the edge (ie, coupon based sites that you refer to), but ...


The most powerful element of your brand in the early-stage of your startup is your reputation. Every interaction you have can positively build (or negatively impact) your brand. This can't be bought, but can be easily lost. Common ways I've seen start-ups lose their reputation early: 1) Not l...


No two businesses are identical and it is not recommended that you use a generator or copy and paste another companies terms of service and privacy policy. Although your business models may be similar, each business has their own unique identifiers which warrant a proprietary PP and TOS. If you u...


Find people who are polar opposites of you politically, humorously, and appropriateness. Run the campaign and hashtag by them and listen to the comments. It is impossible to completely insulate yourself from blowback or trolls; that is why they can exist. But you can take precautions, as it appe...


Wow, this is sort of the penultimate question. I answer this not as a founder, but as a co-founder that watched several other founders and investors wrestle with this dilemma. I've seen the pattern repeat as a consultant as well. It's an issue! The problem with this common situation, is all abou...


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