
Results for: Online Help

It's the chicken or the egg question and in all truth you need both to grow each other. You need to figure out about the minimum level of businesses you need to keep customers coming back and back. Second, you need to offer those business a free trial period, say 3-6 months, so that you have the ...


A quick search of the experts already here on Clarity result in the following. Reach out to them.


Here’s what you could do using Linkedin: 1. Find and create a list of target prospects: There are 550 million LinkedIn users. With LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can create a list of target people who *fit the right criteria* of prospects that might buy your bathroom product. 

 You can filter b...


You can still do it anyway. This is the old method. Replace the search keyword. Also Facebook intends to launch conversational search soon. So do not build one unless you intend to code it yourself


These are tough questions. It may be possible to hire third party marketing companies that would be able to do some testing for you to give you the metrics, but most likely the best option would be to do the testing in house. I think that you would need to set up a few of these alternative sampli...


I'm a licensed real estate agent and multifamily unit rental property investor in Georgia, as well as an internet entrepreneur. You're correct; you must hold a real estate license to collect a referral fee. However, this isn't the only way to monetize your website. You could select from a wide va...


This is a great question. I have worked with many people in this industry such as virtual assistances and gig workers. I suggest vetting the prospects and making sure they are able to complete the task at hand. Always check references as well as prior jobs that they have done in the past. Id woul...


I worked with a guy, who was with SKY news for 18 years, and we did a great transition for him into coaching. We discussed his strengths and weaknesses. We looked into what his passion was and created a purpose for it. I would want to work with you on who you want to serve and why. If you have an...


Most customer service jobs are going overseas, but this is a great website with only remote jobs that might be useful: It's a relatively new site, but they're doing a great job.


Hello! Check out Shake, they have an app with a ton of free contract and terms templates. They're great with startups, so I'm guessing if they can't help you out they might be able to point you in the right direction. Cheers!


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