The highest quality and cost is - $200+ per post. Alternatively, I've uses job board to post an opportunity, and then create a simple "test" for the writers. If they read the instructions and the content is great, try em' out .. if not, then pa...
From a legal standpoint: an NDA is an agreement - something contractual, and therefore is not limited (by law) to any specific jurisdiction. So, you can select Delaware or California, or India for that matter. From the business aspect, the best jurisdiction to select would depend on: 1. Jurisdic...
First, I think you need to look at why no one showed up for your writing on Medium. Did you just publish and forget it? What's your view-to-read ratio? Are the people reading your articles engaging with it (or at least reading to the end)? Selling ebooks is about 5% writing and 95% marketing. I ...
Sleep plays a crucial role in academic success, yet it’s often overlooked by college students juggling classes, assignments, and social activities . Quality sleep enhances memory consolidation, concentration, and pro...
You will read tons of reviews about an academic help service on our website for feedbacks. We don’t cooperate with any writing services, so you will read only honest reviews on our platform
Sounds like you know most of the important pieces but lack the confidence to jump back into the fray. For more than a few years I have been in love with the Lean Startup approach and the MVP. There will always be pros and cons to any approach, but this methodology still packs a lot of horsepower....
Personally, I heard from many of my clients and in particular the students with whom I collaborated that they used the services of Excellent specialists for writing student essays.
Hi there, A good question to consider is this: are people willing to pay to read what you want to write? Do your interests represent a big enough "market" to create and sustain a livelihood? People who make a living out of publishing online seem to have one thing in common: they figure out where ...
A few approaches I'm currently using: 1) StumbleUpon Once you create an account, add in some interests. These can be general (e.g. "Technology") or more specific (e.g. "User Interface"). Then, at the top of the page is a big dropdown that by default says "All Interests." Pop that open then p...
Great question! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm the CEO and Competitive Strategist for Unthink Digital Marketing. Your question has very simple answer: Copy writing is the artistic use of words within advertising and or landing pages for example. Figuring out a simple and clever way to make yo...