
Results for: elearning

I have a link to a free course which should be extremely useful. I often refer my clients to enroll


Andrew Chen's blog is probably the most relied source when it comes to learning about metrics like CAC and LTV. For real life case studies, follow Nathan Latka's podcast to know what each of these mean for different startups in different industries. Growth Hacking is ever evolving and hence what ...


Hi, My entire practice is built around helping people buy and sell their own business. I've been working in this field since 2008. If you come over to you'll find over 300 blog posts on buying, selling, financing and managing SMEs with links to playlists which now have over ...


If you want to learn about marketing and distribution your product then go for where you will meet many professionals about marketing and strategy about selling your product. where you can ask any question about your business too. they are answering questions with tiny amount. jus...


If app design is the only thing you'd like to do, then I'd say spend all your time and focus developing UI/UX expertise for mobile. In many developing nations around the world, smart devices are giving people their first exposure to the Internet. The way they search, browse, buy, and otherwise be...


I worked as a career specialist in a Technical school for nine years. In most colleges and universities, career services directors do not make product decisions. The administrative wing, president, provost, and director of student services hold the budget. Navigating product sales to schools al...


There is so much to unpack in your question. To best answer, I would need to understand much more about your product, vision, customer base, team, and what you mean by "strategic help." You obviously have some questions in mind that need answering, without more details, I cannot answer those que...


Just because your startup didn’t or won’t succeed doesn’t mean it was a failure or you are. In the start up lifestyle you get to learn things that other individuals at larger corporations don’t. You understand what it is like to raise money, work with little to no money, and really pour your sou...


At this stage there are lots of decent web tutorials but I find Ryan Bates Railscasts some of the best for learning the technology. However if you want to just become better at Ruby and Javascript there is no substitute for good books. I've just been reading Avdi Grimm's Confident Ruby and I thi...


There are a few options. If you've done the basics through Codecademy, then you're ready to move on to the specifics of a platform (such as PostgreSQL as you've mentioned). Though this can equally be a minefield. The reporting engines/formats differ from platform to platform. As does SQL believe...


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